Saturday, July 23, 2005

Hot Evangelism!

Today was a real cooker. We are behind on our visitation because of the gas strike here on the island, so I did some extra visitation. Walking and visiting between about 10:30 and 4 o'clock today was a blessing but one of those blessing that I was happy to see end. The gas strike has everybody confused about how to organize their week, so our Vacation Bible School is in a kind of "up in the air" status. We are going to have it anyway, 9:30 am-12 starting this Monday, but we don't know if we will have helpers, kids attending or be able to get the things we need from town or from other churches. A key helper, the song sheets and the puppet stage for the puppet show we advertised are all in other places and hopefully will all come together this week for a successfully VBS. Posted by Picasa

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