Thursday, April 12, 2012

Got feet? Don't Compare, Go Out and Share

A man stood up in church Sunday and announced to everyone that he knew who had the most beautiful feet. He said that it was me because I had come to Puerto Rico to preach the gospel. He said it must be true because the Bible says: "How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!"  (Romans 10:15)

Well, I thanked him, but I kept my shoes on. 

In fact my feet are a bit flat and get sore walking on the side walks and the cement or tile covered floors common to our island. We don't use carpet in the tropics, so walking about here takes a toll on your feet. I understood that he just meant to be appreciative of our efforts to reach them for Christ..

It is nice of someone to say that I have the best feet in the church, but I think we shouldn't compare our feet to see whose are the best. I think the people I teach have great feet, because they can carry the gospel to places I can't go. Instead of comparing them, I teach our people to use them.

Even the poorest people, without shoes can still have feet that are blessed by God if they are involved in his work. It is time we stood up and started using our feet to take the good news to those who need it. 

Got feet? Don't Compare, Go Out and Share

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