Sunday, January 27, 2013

Finding the Right Place to Cry

The first man to come through the doors of the church had been waiting for me. He was trembling and had to sit down to speak. He shook as he told his story.

Mike was in New York visiting his daughter when he heard some bad news from Puerto Rico. His ex-wife dropped dead of a heart attack. Even though they were divorced, Mike felt she was the closest person to him after his daughters. The death came as a shock. She had not showed any symptoms and was in her early 50's.

We prayed together. Mike gave me a big hug and said he loved and respected me.  He said that the first thing he did when he came back to Puerto Rico was to come straight to the church, because he knew he could get help here.  Since we weren't there Saturday, he had waited anxiously all night for the doors to open.

When our members began arriving and the service started, I shared Mike's story and we prayed for him. After that, Mike walked to the front of the church and told his story again. He then pointed at me and said, "I love this guy" and gave me another hug in front of everyone.

Later Mike raised his hand and volunteered to paint the church for us, all by himself.

Clearly I have made a convert, but is Mike a convert to me or to Christ? I am glad we could help him through this rough time and also that he knows where to go when he needs to cry and find help. But making a convert to the missionary or even the church isn't the same as being saved by Jesus Christ.

Mike seems to be on the right path, but please pray for him, that he may find new life in Christ, who alone can save.

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