Sunday, March 23, 2014

Boomerang Blessings. Or not. It's Up to You.

I just read a good article in CNN about a massive wave of Puerto Rican migration that is now underway.

What does this mean for missions?

My first thought was this: What goes around comes around. 

A lot of people do not like Latino immigration and resist efforts to evangelise people groups that they do not like. But, like it or not, a massive wave of Puerto Rico immigration is happening right now. The question is, what will they bring with them in their luggage? Bibles or...other things. Will they come with Christ or without?

Missionary work, like ours here on the island, makes a difference. But not just on our island.

Missionary support helps missionaries do a work that not only changes lives for eternity, but it also has an affect on the kind of people who may very well become your next door neighbour.

Being a blessing to others is like a boomerang. It can come back to bless you. The only thing is, you have to give it a throw. It's up to you.

CNN: Why more Puerto Ricans are living in mainland U.S. than in Puerto Rico

"So many residents have left the island over the years that there are a million more Puerto Ricans living in the mainland United States (4.9 million as of 2011) than in Puerto Rico (3.7 million)"

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