Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Colmado: Convenience Store, Puerto Rican Style

Today, I went to a little convenience store across the street from our church to get some supplies for our Communion Service tomorrow. These stores are called "Colmados." They are usually small Mom and Pop stores, crammed from floor to ceiling with everything that the Mom and Pop imagine that you might need.

Today. I found this entire pig draped over the bare counter with the additional photogenic display of a trickle of blood that reached the floor in front of the counter.

I have lived here long enough that none of this surprised me. In fact, the only thing that really struck me was that the pig had blue eyes. I never knew they came in different colors.

Anyway, I thought I would share with you a slice of everyday missionary life from down here in Puerto Rico.

It really isn't so bad. In fact, the end product of it all is extremely tasty.

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