Saturday, September 03, 2016

Our Bible College Kids Are The Best

Preparing Bible college kids for ministry in the church and Christian school is one of the most fun things we do.

Being around young people that have great faith, that have made great sacrifices, and who are among the best Christians we know, is a truly uplifting experience.

This semester I am teaching Introduction to Physics as a part of the Christian Education curriculum. It is challenging to teach it in Spanish, but the experiments are fun and the students are patient with me when I am searching for a word that my language school didn't expect I would be needing.

Quality Christian students are preparing now to reach the world for Christ. They need our help. It cost about $300 a month per student for room, board and tuition. That is not a lot by US standards, but here in Latin America, it is a big expense for these kids. Some few can pay all of it, but some need help. We would like to pay some of them for helping out part time at our church. If you can help us help them, we would appreciate it.

I hope we may be as much of a blessing to these students as they are to us.

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