Sunday, October 21, 2018

Fishers of Men Tackle Box Additions

Good fishermen have tackle boxes with a good selection of items to choose from, the tried and true and sometimes, something new. We want to be good "fishers of men" so here is what we are currently doing.

The Tried and True: For door to door evangelism, we have recently bought a couple of boxes of gospel tracts. We like the ones that have print big that are easy to read for our poor rural people who often can't afford eyeglasses. The one's that are well illustrated and have fewer words seem to to be the ones that get read the most.

Passing them out in mountain neighborhoods, on hillsides without streets, makes for a lot of hill climbing. We navigate narrow cement stairs that zig-zag up the mountainsides. Some of my previous visitation partners have health issues that have them less able to accompany me. I am trying to recruit new helpers. I have visited alone and will do so if necessary, but visiting with others is the Biblical pattern and it certainly is best. Please pray that I can find some new visitation partners soon.

Something New:  A Puerto Rican pastor's son I know and I talked about a new thing we heard of. We learned that on Facebook you can put a circle around a community, say a 5 mile radius around the church,  and boost a post to that community. So we tried it. I wrote an invitation to our church, connected a Google map to it and set it to run for 7 days. Here is what happened.

We got a lot of reaction! For about the same cost of a box of tracts, we got 206 reactions, 55 written comments, and 29 shares! A few of the comments were negative, but I was able to answer objections, dialog with some people, and was encouraged by the vast majority of positive comments. We received a lot of promises for prayer, and even promises to attend.

We will keep doing the tried and true, but will also continue with the something new. I think this will be a great addition to the various way we do or could do evangelism here where we labor in the  interior mountain region of rural Puerto Rico.