Meningitis Outbreak Puerto Rico! Fear of this deadly disease has caused our church to postpone our campout. The place we were going is the center of a recent outbreak. There are reports of water pollution near the beach area we were to stay at. The teenagers who caught the disease all had been in the water a few days before. Our islands health officials do not believe they caught it from swimming at a dirty beach, but just to be safe most are avoiding that area. The town is putting up a yellow flag on the beach. If 15 days pass without a bad pollution report the flag will be replaced with a green one. Even though I think canceling it is an over-reaction, we have done so.
Here is the News Story: "Citizens are urged to help stop spread of meningitis"
Friday, July 23rd, 2004. SAN JUAN (AP) The outbreak of meningitis that began in the southern region of the island is at its peak with 38 cases reported, said Health Department epidemiologist Juan Alonso on Wednesday. The outbreak is expected to affect up to 500 people. Local authorities have yet to ascertain its origin
- Local health authorities called on citizens to follow hygienic measures to prevent further spreading of a meningitis outbreak in the southern part of the island. According to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, meningitis is an infection of the fluid of the spinal cord and the fluid that surrounds the brain. Funguses, viruses, bacteria, or parasites may cause meningitis. People who become infected with meningitis may experience sharp headaches, fever, vomiting, stiffness of the neck area, and drowsiness. "We're recommending that people wash their hands frequently, especially after going to the bathroom or changing baby diapers. They should also wash their hands before handling food," warned Alvarado during a press conference. Meningitis is spread through saliva, mucus, and excrement. The Health Department has said a virus has caused the outbreak."