She just broke down and cried, I didn't know what to do, so I just kept fixing her refrigerator!" said a young handyman in our church, "But I told her that you, my pastor, would visit her on Tuesday night."
Well, I did go, along with another man from our church. We found the house at the end of a long driveway behind a shut gate. We were a bit nervous about opening the gate, not knowing if there was a dog roaming around. But open it we did and to our relief encountered a warm welcome from the woman. We heard of her sorrows and read her words of comfort from the word of God. We touched on a verse from Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me"
She exclaimed:
"I have been in the Evangelical Church for many years and am willing to do anything. I have served as a missionary chairman and president of the Ladies group. But I just don't want any of that "Jesus in my heart" stuff!" Well, what do you say to a statement like that? I told her, "God knows where you are at. When you are ready to do your part and open the door of your heart to Him, He will do His part and come in."
We left on friendly terms with an invitation to return. We are not discouraged, because a number of the people we have led to the Lord came to receive Him after many more than just one visit. So all in all, it was pretty good for a first visit. We have faith that something good will come from our visits. But our faith and work needs your prayers and support to bear fruit. Her name is Sonya. Please pray for her salvation and also for the growth of the churches we are starting here in Puerto Rico.