A friend showed me this huge rock near a gravel pit on Hwy.25 in rural Iowa. For generations, kids have painted slogans, names, and obscenities on this rock, changing its character many times. A few months back, the rock received its latest paint job, and since then it has been left completely undisturbed. It's quite an impressive sight. I thought the flag was draped over the rock, but it's not. It's actually painted on the rock.
Tomorrow we leave Kalispell, Montana and head out towards Wisconsin. Lots of icy roads out that way, so please pray for us.
The Wild Game Night was great. We had many wild game dishes cooked by the men and a Turkey shoot afterwards. They turned a hallway into a shooting gallery for pellet rifles and who ever got the best group of three won a 14 lb frozen Turkey. I preached a sermon on how to be a good marksman for God, and then had to put my sermon into practice. I lucked out and won the contest and the turkey, but we don't have a freezer in our Honda mini-van, so I will have to leave my prize behind in Kalispell, Montana. That is OK though. The real prize was getting to know some great people up here in the greater Flathead Lake area of Northern Montana.