We traveled about Fourteen hundred miles from Kalispell, Montana through North Dakota and arrived in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin a week ago. In our voyage we saw a few buffalo, deer, elk and even a rabbit hopping around a hotel in Fargo, North Dakota. It was all very pretty, until I got out of the car and had to pump gas in some sub-zero, windy places. When your face goes numb from the cold, it takes your mind off the beauty of the scenery!
When we got to Wisconsin, we were able to stay with Tina’s aunt Yvonne and her husband Don Yeager. Tina spoke to the Stonecroft Women’s Group Tuesday and I spoke to the youth group at Landmark Bible Church Wednesday night. Sarah and Kristin met some nice teens at the church. We were happy with the good response from the youth group.
Tina was born in a town about an hour from Chippewa Falls called Neillsville. The Yeagers took us on a tour of the town, including the not to be missed “Chatty Belle: The Worlds Largest Talking Cow!” We had fun seeing Tina’s childhood home and hearing a lot of cute stories.
We are heading out to drive about 520 miles to Fishers, Indiana (near Indianapolis) where we are participating in a week long Missions Conference. Please pray for our safety on the road and blessings during our time with Pastor Gilmore and the people of
Hamilton Hills Baptist Church in Fishers, Indiana.