We just got our internet connection installed and running, so now we can update our recent activities.
We spoke at Amazing Grace Baptist Church in St Cloud, Florida, and the next day flew to Puerto Rico. The flight went so smoothly that the Puerto Ricans did not give the usual applause to the pilot and crew for a landing well done that they customarily do if we suffer a bit of turbulence in route.
We found the house in good condition and were happy it was not robbed in our absence. But 6 months away do make for lots of dust. Our cats apparently did not make it, but the next door neighbor has some cute kittens almost weaned, so it looks like we won’t have to endure a cat shortage. Our dog Cookie was well cared for and was ecstatically happy to see us.
There was some wear and tear on some items that we will need to replace. Kristin’s computer monitor had a bad contact and damaged the video circuits in her machine. I had an extra small monitor on hand but had to replace her machine. I got one from Sam’s Club for $550. Our dryer belt broke, but we bought a new one and will try to get it installed this next week. Our landlord raised the rent $50 a month. But that is the first raise in rent we have had in the last 8 years, so we are not complaining.
Our church people rejoiced to have us back. The attendance was low, but I have spoken to a good number of people in the last week and anticipate a rise in attendance, Lord willing, in the weeks ahead.