I visited Lydia, a 70 year old woman who is dying of colon cancer. We prayed. She told me she would come the next day to church to give her testimony. I did not ask or even suggest this, but was very glad to hear of her desire to make a public declaration of her faith.
At some level I had my doubts about ever seeing her again. But then again, I felt I must honor her faith and find a way to make this happen that would be not too stressful on her in her weakened condition.
I sent one of our college girls, Cynthia Flores, to Lydia’s house Sunday morning to tell her she could come later if she wished. If she came toward the end of the service, she might not tire herself out or be in pain so much. I was surprised to see Cynthia enter the church with Lydia holding on to her arm!
“Did she understand you?” I asked.
Cynthia replied, “Yes, Pastor. She just didn’t want to wait!”
Sure enough, just as she had joked about, she had come in pajamas with a hospital robe pulled on over them. As soon as I started the Sunday School hour Lydia raised her hand and said “Excuse me, I have something to say.” Lydia came forward and said, “Last night I accepted Christ as my Savior, and I am trusting in him to save me. I love home and now I belong to him!”
We were all very touched. Here was a woman with every excuse in the world to not come to church. She had not clothes, health, family or freedom from persistent pain, but there she was glorifying God in the Church. How many have so much, enjoy so much, yet remain at home, self absorbed, ungrateful and unconscious of their greatest needs?
We pray for Lydia, but with joy, as she has responded so well to the claims of Christ upon her life. It is a great thing when an older person receives Christ. Our hope is that we may reach more young people with the same powerful gospel. We need help to grow this church. Please pray that we might receive the help we need to continue our growth.