Our Vacation Bible School was not even over when I jumped on an airplane and flew to Pensacola, Florida. I spent a few days with my daughters and future son-in-laws at their college and then drove to New York for a month of missionary meetings in various churches.
The little town of Perth, near Albany, New York, is the home of Perth Bible Church. I am staying in their missionary apartment for the month of July. It is a great blessing to have a place to stay between meetings and a place with the privacy needed to get some serious studying done.
I just spoke in all three services at Valley Baptist Church in Mt. Morris, New York. It is a town of about 4,500. It is a patriotic place and in fact is the birthplace of the Baptist pastor who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance. My host, Pastor Phillips has a business, Allegiance Antiques, that reflects that patriotism in its decor. He and his wife Joan received me well and it was a pleasure to stay with them.
I met some Puerto Ricans in the congregation, that I hear visit the island often. One told me that he would stop by my town and take me to visit his relatives in Puerto Rico. That's what I like to hear! I hope that this meeting will lead to a closer link between our ministries.
Tina is alone with Sarah and Kristin in Puerto Rico for the month of July. Don't be shy, drop her a line or make a phone call. We all need some encouragement once in a while, even me!