Starting a church, teaching at Puerto Bible College, initiating plans for a Seminary, fighting termites and remodeling our new home...so many jobs at once!
How can we do a good job at all of these things and still manage to have a good family life and not burn out in the process?
Well, there are THREE things that help make it happen:
1. Reading and putting into practice sound productivity principles. (Right now I am reading "Getting Things Done" by David Allen).
2. Your prayers and support! Yep, the more of these we get, the more gets done!
3. Your personal visit! You know all those references about being a "Servant" or a "Slave" for Christ? Some people take that literally and actually come out here and help us for a week or even a month or so.
Have you every considered slavery as a career option? Well, if you do, we can keep the right kind of people doing the right kind of things down here for quit a while.