With both cars in the shop for two weeks, something had to give. We appreciate the gift of $100 received through a Paypal donation. Thanks to that gift, we can rent a car for a few days and get to the church we are starting in the rural mountain area of Puerto Rico and preach this weekend.

We are walking a lot more. Tina walks to our Bible College, cooks for the students and walks home after dinner. Our daughters are walking back and forth to school, and I am walking whenever possible. I must car-pool sometimes, but other wise we are on foot. The doctor told me I should walk an hour a day, so at least our current car crisis has the side benefit of getting us all in better shape.
We really do need at least ONE car though. We are looking around for a used car in good condition. The prices are higher in Puerto Rico for used cars because they must be shipped in, raising the costs about $800-1,500 compared to US prices for the same vehicles. We are looking for something about six years old or so, that still might have a few good years in it. The prices we are seeing run about $5,500. We don't have the funds to replace our car, but we can't stay housebound either and expect our ministry to continue advancing. Please pray for us. If you wish to help us,please click on the "Donate" button on the right side of the page, or send a love offering in our name to:
Continental Baptist Missions, 11650 Northland Drive NE, Rockford, MI 49341
PS. I started web page called "
Prediabetic Headquarters" in order to educate and motivate myself to keep in shape. You are cordially invited to visit it or the matching
Fan Page on Facebook and leave a comment.