Do you like missionaries, missionary kids and good Christian colleges? Well, you can help all three at the same time.
We hope to send our twin daughters, Sarah and Kristin, to Pensacola Christian College next year. But being missionaries and the parents of twin girls, our funds are low and the college expenses beyond our current means.
We hope Sarah and Kristin will be accepted into the work program and they do plan on working to pay for as much as they can. But even so, that will only pay for about half of the investment, leaving $7,000 a year (583.33 a month) for us to finance.
[Correction: I talked to Tina, and she said that the girls can only earn 1/3 of the tuition in the work program. Also I forgot to add student fee's and books. This raises the monthly investment to $1,000 monthly.]
Could you help us out in a special way during these crucial college years? Your financial help will accomplish a lot: it will keep us on the field, give two missionary kids a college education and help a fine Christian college all at the same time.
Please consider a monthly gift to help us through these special years. The easiest way to start is by writing a few lines to Continental Baptist Missions ( or Continental Baptist Missions | 11650 Northland Drive NE | Rockford, MI 49341) to let them know of your desire to help us, how much, how often and for how many months or years.
Please pray for us also, as these are the beginning of the “Empty Nest” years for us!
If this works out well, we might even have a guest room here in the Caribbean available for special people like you!