A few years ago I helped start a church in a small interior
mountain town in Puerto Rico. I was part of a team that was led by a senior
missionary and we also had some other people working beside us as part-time partners.
One team member retired and others I worked with left the field until I was
left with the sole responsibility of the work in my hands.
This was not part of
my plan, but since I was the last missionary standing and the work was not
complete, I could not imagine abandoning it. I felt that to do evangelism and
then not disciple the believers into a good church would be like having
children and then not providing a home for them. So I stayed and kept trying to
build a church home for them. I must confess that although I love the Lord and
doing His work, I did feel let down by others and “stuck” with a small ministry
in the country.
A while later I came across a parable kind of story written
by George MacDonald. The story is about two spoiled girls who become victims of
too much self-esteem and the great damage it caused. I was fascinated by it
because “A Double Tale” by
George MacDonald is exactly the opposite of what you might have been taught,
even in Christian circles about self-esteem. Anyway I came across this
paragraph. The next to the last sentence really caught my attention:
It really made me think. Instead of feeling sorry as if I
was left in a corner while others ran off to play elsewhere, I should use this
opportunity to do a great job and let my light shine brightly in this little
corner of the world. My job became a joy to me and our little church, although still
small, has turned out pastors and missionaries that are serving God all around
the world. Our church is a very small lighthouse, but it is a marvel how far
and brightly the light has shone from this humble work.
I am sure George MacDonald did not plan on helping us start
churches across Latin America when he wrote this story over 100 years ago, but
it helped that very thing come to pass. I guess you never know when the little
things you do will make a difference in the world, if ever. But they do and
they will. It happened to me. So cheer up and praise God and do your job well.
It is worth doing.