Thursday, July 28, 2016

Missionary Recipes Requested: Cream Cheese Flan & Peanut Butter Popcorn

Tina was asked for some of her favorite recipes. She has a 3x5 card box stuffed full of them. Here are a few of her favorites out of that box:

Cream Cheese Flan
Serves 16

This is a favorite dessert here in Puerto Rico, where we are missionaries. It is a way we can share a little bit of the good things Puerto Rico has to offer with our friends.

A. In a blender, combine:

1 - 8 oz package of cream cheese
6 - eggs ( or 7, if medium)
1 - teaspoon vanilla
1 - can sweetened condensed milk
1 - can evaporated milk

B. Pour into a 9x9 inch pan that was previously filled with caramel sauce (instructions below).
C. Place in a larger pan that is filled with 1 inch of water.
D. Bake 1 hour, 15 minutes at 325, or until firm and slightly brown.

Instructions for the caramel sauce:
* Melt 1 cup of white sugar on medium heat until it turns into brown liquid.
   Keep stirring until no lumps remain.
*Quickly pour into ungreased 9x9 inch pan.
   Be careful, it is extremely hot and turns solid quickly.

Peanut Butter Popcorn
Peanut butter is hard to find in some Latin American countries, like in Costa Rica, where we began our language training. Comfort food from home is missed. Fortunately, it is easy to find here in Puerto Rico.

A. Pop enough popcorn for 2 quarts
B. Heat to a rolling boil:
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup or honey
C. Remove from heat and add:
1/2 cup chunky peanut butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
D. Pour over popcorn, stirring to coat.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bible Reading Checklist You Can Print Out - My Treat

I have made it a goal to read through the Spanish Bible and am keeping track of it on a checklist. I have a Bible Reading Log app that is OK, but I like the paper version a lot better.

Here is my favorite one. I put it on my Google drive as a PDF. Here it is if you would like a copy:

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Open Home, Opened Hearts, Opened Eyes

Swinging hammocks and hot coffee is not what I expected.

Luis (one of our deacons) and I walked up to a home in Rio Hondo (Deep River) and we were greeted by a Miguel, who was working in his garden with a machete.

Miguel invited us to his carport, called a Marquesina here, and got comfortable in his hammock, contentedly swinging back and forth as we shared the Gospel.

The lady of the house came out later and started the second hammock going.

She said, "I didn't eat breakfast yet, but when I heard you were out here sharing the Bible, I decided to skip it. I can eat anytime. Besides, it doesn't hurt to fast a bit to hear the Bible."

She made us some nice Puerto Rican coffee and gave us granola bars for a snack as we left.

We prayed with them and were extended a welcome to visit again.

Please pray with us that we may see them make an important decision.

We were given the gift of hospitality. What a joy to be well received and find such open hearted people.

But it is even a greater joy to share a message that has the power to change lives and bring hope, comfort, and salvation to the people whom we have come to love.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Could We Visit You Next Summer?

Could you please do us a favor?

I hope to speak in a number of churches next summer to raise needed support for our missionary work in Puerto Rico.

We ask your help in scheduling meetings for June and July of 2017

Ideally these meeting would be:

1. In churches that are concerned with reaching the Spanish speaking population of the Unitd States


2. Would like to support a ministry that could help them do that.

I was thinking of the Pacific Northwest, but I am willing to go anywhere that we can schedule two or more churches for meetings.

May the Lord Bless You and Yours,
(Dios Les Bendiga)

Steven Prelgovisk
Puerto Rico, USA

Support Address:
Continental Baptist Missions
11650 Northland Drive NE
Rockford, MI 49341
ph (616) 863-2226

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Escalating Economic Crisis and Christ

People ask us about the economy in Puerto Rico, if it is bad and if it affects us.

I read today that our electric rates are being raised 26%.

So, Yes, there is an economic crisis in Puerto Rico, it is bad and it affect us. But there is another side to the story.

It is true that the sales tax has risen to 11.5%, home values are plummeting, and that the island is losing a doctor a day as they join the many Puerto Ricans who are leaving the island.

But, being shaken out of a comfortable and secure material existence has another side. It is in just such disturbing times that many people cry out to God.

It has always been our ministry to reach the immigrant population at its source. Because of missionary work done in Puerto Rico, in that stream of new arrivals are many good Christian men and women.

Both those arriving and those left behind face an uncertain future. In such a time as this, as financial foundations crumble, many may seek and find a firmer foundation in Christ.

We also are affected. Pray for us in this crisis that we might effectively reach more people for Christ. Please pray for an increase in our monthly missionary support. Also, for the safety of our family here as we minister in an environment of rising costs and among people who are in economic desperation.

Friday, July 01, 2016

Straining: the Good Kind

Adventures in tropical living: 

Hurray! No bugs in my coffee today!

A strainer helps get those black bugs out of your black coffee. A little cream for contrast helps too.

The tropics may have "eternal summer," but that also means the bugs never die or give you a break.

Eternal vigilance, or at least a couple of good tricks like this, constantly applied, are what is needed to keep insect encounters to a minimum.

Prayer Letter, June 2016

Our June 2016 Prayer Letter. Please click on this link. It will take you to Scribd,  a site where you can download it (the big blue button on the right) or print it out (the printer icon near the upper right hand corner of the prayer letter). Please print it out and share it in prayer with the church.