Monday, June 05, 2017

Special Music for a Missionary Church

Special music for a missionary church is extra special, since new works tend to be small. But God has graciously lent us some young people with big talent. Jhonatan Ponce and Josue Coca from Bolivia are studying here with us at Puerto Rico Baptist College. Jhonatan has been active in our church for two years now.

 Thank you for giving us this gift of special music!

Friday, June 02, 2017

Former student becomes a missionary helping other missionaires!

Left: Bairo Corrales, Missionary-Colombia,
Right: Giovanni, Missionary-Guatemala,
Regional Field Director of Latin America,
International Partnership Missions
Today, I was trying to find out how some of my students from Puerto Rico Baptist College, Bairo and his wife Laura, were doing in their new ministry in Colombia.

To my surprise, I found an interview of Bairo that was done by one of my earlier students, Giovanni Avendaño, who, to my bigger surprise, had become Regional Field Director for Latin America for International Partnership Missions.

I taught Giovanni when I was a new missionary on the island about 20 years ago. He graduated, worked in a church in the US for a while and then became a missionary to his home country, Guatemala. I lost track of him. Today, I am so glad to hear that he has prospered in the ministry.

I was also happy to hear that our vision of being missionaries, who make missionaries, who make missionaries, is coming true.

Click here to hear it

It has an English translation voice over, so you don't need Spanish to hear it. The interview starts at about 0:57, after the intro.