It’s around late November and early December that people begin to notice Orion in the evening sky.
I pointed out Orion's belt to a church member one night. He told me that those were the "Reyes," the wise men on their way, following the star, to find the new born king.
I don't think Orion's belt was made to tell that story, but you know what? When a Puerto Rican looks up at the sky at night and sees the Wise Men on the way to see Jesus, well, that's a lot better than any message the story of Orion has ever given me.
So, good for them, and maybe it's time we updated some of our traditions to tell a better story and share a more important message than comes from our traditions.
The Wise men arrive Jan. 6th. The night before, children fill the boxes with grass for the horses (yes, the wise men ride HORSES in Puerto Rico, NOT camels). In the morning, the children find the shoe boxes full of presents, left by the Wise men in token of their thanks.
Now, isn't that a better story and tradition than our Santa Claus and how we have made Christmas a snow festival?