"Pastor Steve! Where are you going with that guitar? Can I come?" asked fifth grader Jorge.
He was in a basketball uniform and was playing in the park as I walked to church carrying my guitar and hymnbook. He came to our VBS the week before and had been an outstanding young person in all the activities of that week.
"Ask your mother, but sure, come along!" I answered
Jorge popped into our Wednesday night bible study and prayer time, listened well and even prayed with us! He came because of good VBS memories and wanting to maybe learn the guitar. But whatever the reason, we were happy to have a fifth grader pray with us during our Wednesday night worship time.
I started giving free music lessons Wednesday night before prayer meeting. I give them to anybody who will promise to use their talents in the church within six months of the start date. So far I am teaching two men, one about 24 and the other in his early 30's. Jorge will make three if he joins our group. I teach on Wednesday to encourage them to stay for prayer meeting. So far it's working!