Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Unlikely Blessing

This mini-market is right in front of our church and, though not attractive, comes in handy for getting emergency items during the week. Whenever someone new comes to work with me, I use it as an excuse to witness to the owner. I take them to his store and say "This is my new helper. If you see him entering the church, it's OK, he is not robbing the church, so don't call the police. We have to keep an eye out for each other you know. By the way, you are invited! Come and visit us Sunday!" He smiles and says "Thanks! It's good to know what's going on, because, well, you never know!"

Well, so far he has not come, but we must have made some impact on him. His wife walked one of their kids to our church for a week to attend our Vacation Bible School! Please pray that we may have a good testimony with this store owner and his family. Posted by Picasa

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