Friday, February 03, 2006

Driving, Singing and Driving Some More

Last week we drove to Enumclaw and Graham, Washington, where we met some great people and had an encouraging response to our missionary presentation. Now we are headed for Everson, Washington up near the Canadian border. Our daughters have a big songbook they have constructed and sometimes bring it out for a song time during our drives. The article below says we are doing something good for our health! Amen!

IRVINE, Calif. - Singing in a choir may just make you healthier, according to a study by the University of California, Irvine.
Researchers at the school found increased levels of disease-fighting proteins in the mouths of choir members after they sang Beethoven's choral masterwork, the Missa Solemnis.

According to the study, a protein used by the immune system to fight disease called immunoglobulin A increased 150 percent during rehearsals and 240 percent during performance. The boost seemed directly related to the singers' states of mind, which many participants described as happy or euphoric.

"The more passionate you feel while singing, the greater the effect," said education Professor Robert Beck, who authored the study with Thomas Cesario, dean of the university's College of Medicine. The study was published this school year in the scientific journal Music Perception.

The difference in the increased levels between a performance and rehearsal, scientists theorized, may be because the singers had achieved mastery of the complicated piece after often-stressful rehearsals and were enjoying the thrill of the performance itself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steve, it is so exciting to read your blogs. Just wanted you to know the girls are invited to a teen superbowl party with suitable goofiness and pizza at Nooksack and you and Tina are invited to the adult version. We realize you may have to go straight home, but wanted you to know a bit ahead of time. thanks for the great postings.