Sunday, September 24, 2006

Trumpet Day: A small shell gets a big reaction

Find out what God would have you do,
And do that little well;
For what is great and what is small
The Lord alone can tell. -Anon.

We had a good service today. I preached on the Feast of Trumpets (The Jewish New Year) and how the trumpet was a symbol of Liberty, Authority and Unity. I then used a large conch shell and blew it. Everyone sure was awake after that! Later, I did it again when a little girl was close by and she ran crying into the arms of her mother. Everyone laughed at her tears and my red face. At least she knew where to run with her fears. I hope you, my friend, will not fear the sound of the last trumpet. But if you do, I hope you will know where to turn for comfort. Posted by Picasa

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