The big sister in the blue shirt in this picture comes to our church and is active in our new AWANA program, a Bible club for kids.
Her mother gave a testimony recently that her daughter took 25 gospel tracts from the tract rack in our church and passed them out to all her fellow third-graders in school.
One of the girls that received a tract came back the next day and said that she read the tract. She said that she was sorry about how she was behaving and prayed the prayer at the end of the tract and now wanted to ask forgiveness for her past attitudes.
Our AWANA program is very small and reaches little kids. But apparently even the smallest kids in a the smallest missionary church program can produce great results.
I'm thinking it's because that the God they serve in complete faith honors that faith and it is He that give them great power to accomplish great things for Him.
Puerto Rico: The Back Door for Reaching the US Spanish Speaking Population. Our ministry is Church planting and training men and women for Christian service at Puerto Rico Baptist College. We are reaching people here, who immigrate and reach others in Spanish speaking communities across our nation.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Monday, December 08, 2014
Missionaries Having Fun
One of the fun things about being a missionary is that the people you reach become friends and some of those friends become fellow pastors and missionaries. The first Saturday of each month we have a Pastors and Missionary fellowship.
You can tell by the faces in the video that we all enjoy each others company. We have a great group of pastors and missionaries. Not everything about being a missionary is fun, but we do have our fun moments, and this is of of them.
The song is "Alegria, Alegria, Alegria" and here is the translation:
Mary and her loving husband,
Are going to Bethlehem,
They have in their company
An almighty God.
Joy, joy, joy,
Joy, joy and pleasure
The Virgin is on her way
With her husband to Bethlehem.
The little birds in the woods,
As they saw the couple pass by,
Sang them melodies
With their harmonious tweets.
Upon reaching Bethlehem,
They asked for lodging,
Nobody wanted to oblige
Because they saw they were so poor.
You can tell by the faces in the video that we all enjoy each others company. We have a great group of pastors and missionaries. Not everything about being a missionary is fun, but we do have our fun moments, and this is of of them.
The song is "Alegria, Alegria, Alegria" and here is the translation:
Mary and her loving husband,
Are going to Bethlehem,
They have in their company
An almighty God.
Joy, joy, joy,
Joy, joy and pleasure
The Virgin is on her way
With her husband to Bethlehem.
The little birds in the woods,
As they saw the couple pass by,
Sang them melodies
With their harmonious tweets.
Upon reaching Bethlehem,
They asked for lodging,
Nobody wanted to oblige
Because they saw they were so poor.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Baptism Practice for Our Students!
Our students gathered together in our back yard and had a regular service, complete with songs. Then the practice baptisms began.
There was an attempt at formality, but there was a lot more laughing involved than might be expected in a regular baptism.
Thanks to some generous helpers, we were able to replace a needed pump and now are using the pool for baptisms again.
Sunday, November 02, 2014
Fanning the Spark
Javier quit his job with Homeland Security and has been seeking to serve the Lord. We gave him an opportunity to preach in our church about a year ago. He was in tears when we gave him a love offering.
He said, "I was hoping to serve the Lord full time, but didn't see how I could do it. This opportunity to preach and this love offering is like God telling me that I can serve Him and He will meet my needs."
Javier preached again today, after having spent a month in the Dominican Republic doing evangelism. He has reached over 100 people for Christ in that short time and plans to go back and continue his work there.
The Lord gave him a gift, but it seemed small in his sight. We are happy to be the ones who fanned that spark and see it grow into a bright light that has already led many to Christ.

Javier preached again today, after having spent a month in the Dominican Republic doing evangelism. He has reached over 100 people for Christ in that short time and plans to go back and continue his work there.
The Lord gave him a gift, but it seemed small in his sight. We are happy to be the ones who fanned that spark and see it grow into a bright light that has already led many to Christ.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
A Broken Pump and a Baptism

The house we bought came with an above ground pool, which comes in real handy for baptisms, serves as a reserve water tank during hurricane season and also a place for the little kids to swim when we have a church fellowship at our home.
But the pump for the filter rusted out on it and it will cost us $200 to replace it.
We do have a baptism coming up and I hope that we can get a new pump and have some clean water in there for our next baptism.
Please help us get a new pump.
If you wish to help, you can click the golden "Donate" button above our picture in the right hand column or contact Continental Baptist Missions and send in a designated amount through them.
Sunday, October 05, 2014
First Fruits From Our AWANA...
AWANA, a Bible club for kids, has a Spanish name: Oansa.
It is new here in Puerto Rico and we thought to give it a try in our small mission church.
For the first few months only a few of the kids from our church would go. But this weekend we saw our "first fruits" from it.
A woman walked by our church last Saturday and peeked in and we spoke to her about our church and the Oansa program. She brought her son yesterday and stayed herself and listened to my devotional. She also talked to one of our lady teachers and prayed with her.
Today she came to church with her son. Her name is Elizabeth. She said that she was studying with the Jehovah Witnesses but was concerned because her Bible seemed to teach something different than what she was hearing at the Kingdom Hall.
Our church was greatly encouraged. We have had people respond to our visits before, but this it the first time in a long while someone just walked in.
It may seem like a small thing to some, but it was a big enough of an event to encourage our church today.
We praise God for the first fruits of this outreach. We pray that we might see more in the future.
It is new here in Puerto Rico and we thought to give it a try in our small mission church.
For the first few months only a few of the kids from our church would go. But this weekend we saw our "first fruits" from it.
A woman walked by our church last Saturday and peeked in and we spoke to her about our church and the Oansa program. She brought her son yesterday and stayed herself and listened to my devotional. She also talked to one of our lady teachers and prayed with her.
Today she came to church with her son. Her name is Elizabeth. She said that she was studying with the Jehovah Witnesses but was concerned because her Bible seemed to teach something different than what she was hearing at the Kingdom Hall.
Our church was greatly encouraged. We have had people respond to our visits before, but this it the first time in a long while someone just walked in.
It may seem like a small thing to some, but it was a big enough of an event to encourage our church today.
We praise God for the first fruits of this outreach. We pray that we might see more in the future.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Chikungunya and I
I caught something. A lot of people around me say they were infected with the Chikungunya Virus and they told me that I had it too. Whatever it was, it was no fun.
My temperature got up 103.3 and I was so sick that I didn't even feel like reading in bed, which is a pretty serious symptom where I am concerned.
After about 4 days, I dragged myself back to work, but it has been a long week.
We face many challenges in our missionary work here in the Caribbean, and diseases like the Dengue and Chikungunya are no joke. Please remember us in your prayers.
Sunday, September 07, 2014
Baptismal Challenge Accepted!
After our morning church service, this man, Jose Cruz, came forward to speak to me. He recently made a profession of faith and has been coming to church for about a month now. Today he came forward and asked to be baptised.
His decision put a smile on my face. I think we will put smiles on a lot of faces when they see us standing next to each other in the baptistry! If there are people who find humour in contrasts, this upcoming baptismal may provide some moments of amusement for them.
Although there may be some lighter moments in a baptismal service, being baptised is an important and serious first step of obedience in the life of a new Christian. What a blessing it is to us to have a part in it.
His decision put a smile on my face. I think we will put smiles on a lot of faces when they see us standing next to each other in the baptistry! If there are people who find humour in contrasts, this upcoming baptismal may provide some moments of amusement for them.
Although there may be some lighter moments in a baptismal service, being baptised is an important and serious first step of obedience in the life of a new Christian. What a blessing it is to us to have a part in it.
Puerto Rico
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Q: What is the drug problem like in Latin America? A: Read this!
I get asked this question a lot. Unfortunately, any discussion of the problem of drugs in Latin America is usually too long and complex of an issue for the time and situations I tend to be in when the question arises.
Rather than listen to a lecture on the topic, I suggest a more interesting way to find out what it is like. Read: "Crossfire" by Author Jeannette Windle. She is the award winning author of the popular "Veiled Freedom" (a book on Afghanistan), but she wrote an earlier book touching this very theme.
The book is a fictional Christian adventure/romance. But since Jeannette was raised on the mission field and latter returned as a wife of a missionary and raised her family in the area where the drama of her book unfolds, the book is extremely realistic.
If you want to know the issues we missionaries deal with regarding drug trafficking and corruption, this book will give you a very good idea of the realities we face down here.
Rather than listen to a lecture on the topic, I suggest a more interesting way to find out what it is like. Read: "Crossfire" by Author Jeannette Windle. She is the award winning author of the popular "Veiled Freedom" (a book on Afghanistan), but she wrote an earlier book touching this very theme.
The book is a fictional Christian adventure/romance. But since Jeannette was raised on the mission field and latter returned as a wife of a missionary and raised her family in the area where the drama of her book unfolds, the book is extremely realistic.
If you want to know the issues we missionaries deal with regarding drug trafficking and corruption, this book will give you a very good idea of the realities we face down here.
Monday, June 09, 2014
Live in the Pacific Northwest? Come see us, or invite us over.
In June we are in western Washington state, and then we are on our way through eastern Washington and onto western Montana in July for church meetings and two weeks of camp. We plan on returning to Puerto Rico, hopefully with some new support, the first week of August.
Scan our itinerary below and find out when we are in your area and come see us. Better yet, invite us over so we can enjoy your fine hospitality and great fellowship.
Please pray for our safety on the road, and that we might raise the new monthly support that we need to do the work of missions in Puerto Rico.
June, Sunday 1
Faith Baptist Fellowship
Pastor Tim Kluver
Port Angeles
June, Sunday 8
Southside Baptist Church
Pastor Jim Saxman
Tacoma, WA
June, Sunday 15
Father's Day
OPEN (Invite Us!)
June, Sunday 22
Puyallup Community Baptist Church
Pastor Loren Tucker
Puyallup, WA
Orting Community Baptist Church
Pastor: Dale Gore
Orting, WA
July, Sunday 29
Christ Fellowship
Pastor Dr. David S. Steele
Everson, WA
July, Sunday 6
First Baptist Church
Jim Mailloux,
Richland, WA
July, Sunday 13
Valley Baptist Church
Pastor Matt Schrepfer
Eureka, Montana
July, Sunday 20
Cardwell Community Church
William Grinder
Cardwell, MT
July, Sunday 27
First Baptist Church
Pastor Scott Craven
Polson, MT
Bethel Baptist Church
Kalispell, MT
August, Sunday 3
1st Baptist
Joseph A. Kuefler
Marion, MT
August, Monday 4
Return to our missionfield: Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico,
Wednesday, June 04, 2014
Home Church Homage: What Southside Baptist and Pastor Ron Hill have Done for Us.
About 10 years ago, I wrote a letter to celebrate the ministry Pastor Ron Hill had through Southside Baptist Church of Tacoma, Washington and the part he and the church had in our ministry.
This week we are revisiting our home church, so I thought I would post that letter again in honor of their faithful support over the last 25 years.
Dear Soutside Baptist Church:
I am Steve Prelgovisk, your missionary to Puerto Rico. But before I was a missionary, I served as a deacon, youth pastor and as an assistant pastor under Ken Jobson at Fern Hill Baptist Church. I met Pastor Hill through a number of what I consider to be God ordained circumstances. I am happy to say that the vision and faith that Pastor Hill showed under these circumstances has born fruit. His vision and faith were not alone, but accompanied by great passion and hard work. These are not words meant to flatter, but are an honest rendering of an eye-witness account from a fellow servant and long time member of Southside Baptist Church. From what I have seen, Pastor Ron Hills’ character, vision, philosophy of ministry and hard work have led to greater blessings for both Churches.
How It Began.
I came to Fern Hill as a Seminary student and served as the assistant Pastor to Pastor Ken Jobson. I have the deepest respect for him and was pleased to serve under such a godly man. A few years later, I was elected to serve as a deacon and was confronted with a difficult dilemma. The other two deacons were frustrated that our church growth was problematic and voiced the possibility of looking for a new pastor. I had worked with Pastor Jobson closely and felt that if there was an obstacle to church growth, it did come from him. I said that we should look for another way to grow that did not penalize one of our church’s greatest assets.
Before I came to Fern Hill, I had served in a church in Riverside, California, where I had helped two Baptist Churches merge. I suggested that we might investigate this option for a number of reasons: it would enable us to grow, we could help another church that was looking for a building and we could also make sure Pastor Jobson was cared for. I thought it might be a win-win sort of approach and we should pursue it.
The others liked the suggestion as an idea, but held little hope that it was likely to happen. Questions arose. If it was possible, which church should we merge with? Who would respond in a positive manner to such an idea? Pastor Jobson and the other deacons felt that we might approach Dr William and offer to merge with his church. This was great, except they wanted to present the idea to the congregation at our next business meeting. I felt we were rushing the announcement before we were sure of the desire of the second church. What if we began courting another church and they turned out to be cool to the idea? If we pinned all our hopes on one church and nothing came of it? We might not ever get a chance to do it again. I felt that we needed at least one other live option before we promoted the idea from the pulpit.
The initial response of Dr Williams’ church was a polite “That is an interesting idea.” There was kindness in their response, but I sensed a lack of enthusiasm from them for the merger proposal. This confirmed in my mind the need for another option. I became more convinced that I needed to find someone as excited as we were about it, if we were to ever make a merger work.
As the day of the business meeting grew closer, I grew more concerned about this and decided to ask people I respected for advice. I worked at Northwest Baptist Seminary under Jeff Barbierre (SP?), who was then assistant pastor and Youth Director at Southside Baptist Church. I asked, “Jeff, Do you know of any churches that might be looking for a merger situation? We have a nice building, we would like to find a way to fill it up and at the same time, keep Pastor Jobson on as an associate pastor in the new work, if at all possible.” I added, “Keep this a secret. I just want to know of any possibilities out there before I give my deacons’ recommendation to a merger plan we have on the table. I just don’t think we should do it, if all we have is just one less-than-enthusiastic partner.”
Jeff was stunned. He said, “Our pastor, Ron Hill, just said this last week; “We need to find a new location. If any of you know of a church we can merge with, let me know!” We talked some more and went about our work. About a half hour later, Jeff came to me a bit embarrassed, “Umm…I know you asked me to keep it a secret. But I called pastor Hill and told him about the merger idea. He shouted “Hallelujah,” and… well, you better talk to him right away about it, or he is going to call your pastor right now.
So I ran upstairs with Jeff and he handed me the phone. That is where I had my first conversation with Pastor Hill, on the phone on the second floor of the Education building at Northwest Baptist Seminary. I noted immediately that I was speaking to a man of passion and vision.
My first impressions were confirmed when we had a face-to-face meeting between our deacon board, pastors Jobson and Hill and all of the Southside Baptists deacons. I shared a few concerns. I told Pastor Hill, “Well, if we merge, I will go from being a missionary candidate, an assistant pastor and the youth director of one church, and become “the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant pastor” in the merged one.”
I was also concerned that in the merger, my missionary aspirations would be overlooked in favor of the many fine students then preparing for the mission field, who where members of Southside. Pastor Hill smiled, but then said to me in a serious tone, “In the merger, Southside will be your church. And your church will always stand behind you and support you.” And he proved true to his word.
What Came of It all.
In the years following, I learned much from Pastor Hill. He has given us many a kind word, good council and material support when needed. His example has been a great value to me as a missionary. I have seen Pastor Hill work hard to evangelize the lost, disciple believers, grieve over sin in the church, work tirelessly to reconcile those in conflict, promote fellowship among church members and, in a multitude of ways, seek to encourage the saints.
Congratulations for a fruitful ministry at Southside Baptist Church. I am so glad that our “Plan B,” turned out to be God’s “Plan A.” I am glad to have had such great role models in the ministry. Some of our better moments on the mission field have come from emulating a ministry practice that I learned from Pastor Ron Hill.
There are very few men worthy of emulation in our world today. I am so happy that at Southside Baptist Church we have had such a man.
May God Bless You and Keep You and Yours,
Steve and Tina Prelgovisk,
Missionaries From Southside Baptist to Puerto Rico, USA
This week we are revisiting our home church, so I thought I would post that letter again in honor of their faithful support over the last 25 years.
Dear Soutside Baptist Church:
I am Steve Prelgovisk, your missionary to Puerto Rico. But before I was a missionary, I served as a deacon, youth pastor and as an assistant pastor under Ken Jobson at Fern Hill Baptist Church. I met Pastor Hill through a number of what I consider to be God ordained circumstances. I am happy to say that the vision and faith that Pastor Hill showed under these circumstances has born fruit. His vision and faith were not alone, but accompanied by great passion and hard work. These are not words meant to flatter, but are an honest rendering of an eye-witness account from a fellow servant and long time member of Southside Baptist Church. From what I have seen, Pastor Ron Hills’ character, vision, philosophy of ministry and hard work have led to greater blessings for both Churches.
How It Began.
I came to Fern Hill as a Seminary student and served as the assistant Pastor to Pastor Ken Jobson. I have the deepest respect for him and was pleased to serve under such a godly man. A few years later, I was elected to serve as a deacon and was confronted with a difficult dilemma. The other two deacons were frustrated that our church growth was problematic and voiced the possibility of looking for a new pastor. I had worked with Pastor Jobson closely and felt that if there was an obstacle to church growth, it did come from him. I said that we should look for another way to grow that did not penalize one of our church’s greatest assets.
Before I came to Fern Hill, I had served in a church in Riverside, California, where I had helped two Baptist Churches merge. I suggested that we might investigate this option for a number of reasons: it would enable us to grow, we could help another church that was looking for a building and we could also make sure Pastor Jobson was cared for. I thought it might be a win-win sort of approach and we should pursue it.
The others liked the suggestion as an idea, but held little hope that it was likely to happen. Questions arose. If it was possible, which church should we merge with? Who would respond in a positive manner to such an idea? Pastor Jobson and the other deacons felt that we might approach Dr William and offer to merge with his church. This was great, except they wanted to present the idea to the congregation at our next business meeting. I felt we were rushing the announcement before we were sure of the desire of the second church. What if we began courting another church and they turned out to be cool to the idea? If we pinned all our hopes on one church and nothing came of it? We might not ever get a chance to do it again. I felt that we needed at least one other live option before we promoted the idea from the pulpit.
The initial response of Dr Williams’ church was a polite “That is an interesting idea.” There was kindness in their response, but I sensed a lack of enthusiasm from them for the merger proposal. This confirmed in my mind the need for another option. I became more convinced that I needed to find someone as excited as we were about it, if we were to ever make a merger work.
As the day of the business meeting grew closer, I grew more concerned about this and decided to ask people I respected for advice. I worked at Northwest Baptist Seminary under Jeff Barbierre (SP?), who was then assistant pastor and Youth Director at Southside Baptist Church. I asked, “Jeff, Do you know of any churches that might be looking for a merger situation? We have a nice building, we would like to find a way to fill it up and at the same time, keep Pastor Jobson on as an associate pastor in the new work, if at all possible.” I added, “Keep this a secret. I just want to know of any possibilities out there before I give my deacons’ recommendation to a merger plan we have on the table. I just don’t think we should do it, if all we have is just one less-than-enthusiastic partner.”
Jeff was stunned. He said, “Our pastor, Ron Hill, just said this last week; “We need to find a new location. If any of you know of a church we can merge with, let me know!” We talked some more and went about our work. About a half hour later, Jeff came to me a bit embarrassed, “Umm…I know you asked me to keep it a secret. But I called pastor Hill and told him about the merger idea. He shouted “Hallelujah,” and… well, you better talk to him right away about it, or he is going to call your pastor right now.
So I ran upstairs with Jeff and he handed me the phone. That is where I had my first conversation with Pastor Hill, on the phone on the second floor of the Education building at Northwest Baptist Seminary. I noted immediately that I was speaking to a man of passion and vision.
My first impressions were confirmed when we had a face-to-face meeting between our deacon board, pastors Jobson and Hill and all of the Southside Baptists deacons. I shared a few concerns. I told Pastor Hill, “Well, if we merge, I will go from being a missionary candidate, an assistant pastor and the youth director of one church, and become “the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant pastor” in the merged one.”
I was also concerned that in the merger, my missionary aspirations would be overlooked in favor of the many fine students then preparing for the mission field, who where members of Southside. Pastor Hill smiled, but then said to me in a serious tone, “In the merger, Southside will be your church. And your church will always stand behind you and support you.” And he proved true to his word.
What Came of It all.
In the years following, I learned much from Pastor Hill. He has given us many a kind word, good council and material support when needed. His example has been a great value to me as a missionary. I have seen Pastor Hill work hard to evangelize the lost, disciple believers, grieve over sin in the church, work tirelessly to reconcile those in conflict, promote fellowship among church members and, in a multitude of ways, seek to encourage the saints.
Congratulations for a fruitful ministry at Southside Baptist Church. I am so glad that our “Plan B,” turned out to be God’s “Plan A.” I am glad to have had such great role models in the ministry. Some of our better moments on the mission field have come from emulating a ministry practice that I learned from Pastor Ron Hill.
There are very few men worthy of emulation in our world today. I am so happy that at Southside Baptist Church we have had such a man.
May God Bless You and Keep You and Yours,
Steve and Tina Prelgovisk,
Missionaries From Southside Baptist to Puerto Rico, USA
home church,
Southside Baptist Church
Monday, June 02, 2014
A Student Takes Time to Say "Thank You!"
Dave, it was our pleasure. Thank you for using your training by serving the Lord as a pastor to your people in Peru.
Puerto Rico,
Puerto Rico Baptist College,
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Cancer Compassion
A year ago, it was me waiting for cancer surgery. Today, I was able to comfort Manuel here after his recent surgery.
When people hear the "C" word, a look of fear comes over their faces, and sometimes I think it disturbs them more than the person who has it.
Manuel and I swapped stories, prayed together and compared scars. He won that contest, which is fine with me. He and I made this selfie so we could show our church members that he is doing fine in the hospital.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Please Do Us This Favor Right Now
Would you be willing to do us a favor?
Tina and I need your help.
A skilled videographer, Josue Laura, a former student of mine, has offered to prepare a missionary video for Tina and I. We hope to encourage viewers of this video to support us so that we may return to the field fully able to be a blessing to those on the mission field and to those who send us.
1. Your name and where you are from
2. How Tina and I: Have helped you in the past, How we are helping you right now. or How you have seen us help others.
*worked with Tina in the kitchen * we gave you an opportunity to serve in our church. *went soul-winning or did evangelism with us. *worked in a Camp ministry together * helped you develop a spiritual gift * offered hospitality, * opened our home to you *helped you with funds to attend class at the Bible college, *gave you comfort or council that was helpful. *fed you. *took you places. *helped you with you problems, *gave you an opportunity to preach or helped you make a sermon, teach a class or win a child to Christ, *treated you like part of our family, *Encouraged you in some way, helped you become a missionary, etc]
3. How you feel that we could help you succeed in the future in serving the Lord,
4. On the video, say something:
a. To us: what ever you want
b. To the people watching the video: What ever you want.
5. Post on Youtube and send us the link, or attach it to an email and send it to both me and to the video editor Josue. Me at: and to Josue at:
Thank you. Please do this soon because Josue has only a limited time to help us.
Steve and Tina Prelgovisk,
Continental Baptist Missions,
Puerto Rico, USA
Tina and I need your help.
A skilled videographer, Josue Laura, a former student of mine, has offered to prepare a missionary video for Tina and I. We hope to encourage viewers of this video to support us so that we may return to the field fully able to be a blessing to those on the mission field and to those who send us.
I am going to ask you to do the following in the next day or so:Please record a simple, short video (in English, because it is for English speaking churches), more or less along these lines.
1. Your name and where you are from
2. How Tina and I: Have helped you in the past, How we are helping you right now. or How you have seen us help others.
*worked with Tina in the kitchen * we gave you an opportunity to serve in our church. *went soul-winning or did evangelism with us. *worked in a Camp ministry together * helped you develop a spiritual gift * offered hospitality, * opened our home to you *helped you with funds to attend class at the Bible college, *gave you comfort or council that was helpful. *fed you. *took you places. *helped you with you problems, *gave you an opportunity to preach or helped you make a sermon, teach a class or win a child to Christ, *treated you like part of our family, *Encouraged you in some way, helped you become a missionary, etc]
3. How you feel that we could help you succeed in the future in serving the Lord,
4. On the video, say something:
a. To us: what ever you want
b. To the people watching the video: What ever you want.
5. Post on Youtube and send us the link, or attach it to an email and send it to both me and to the video editor Josue. Me at: and to Josue at:
Thank you. Please do this soon because Josue has only a limited time to help us.
Steve and Tina Prelgovisk,
Continental Baptist Missions,
Puerto Rico, USA
Sunday, May 18, 2014
We Baptise a Young Woman
"What about my baptism!?"
This young lady came forward to be baptised about a month ago. Every Sunday morning for the last three weeks or so, she asked about getting baptised. I really like to see that kind of eagarness to do something good.
We had an abbreviated service so that our people could run over and visit a sick member of our church in a hospital near by our home.
Here is a little raw video of the baptism. The young lady gives her name, and as part of her testimony says that she comes to be baptised in obedience to the command of Christ in the Bible.
"What about my baptism!?"
This young lady came forward to be baptised about a month ago. Every Sunday morning for the last three weeks or so, she asked about getting baptised. I really like to see that kind of eagarness to do something good.
We had an abbreviated service so that our people could run over and visit a sick member of our church in a hospital near by our home.
Here is a little raw video of the baptism. The young lady gives her name, and as part of her testimony says that she comes to be baptised in obedience to the command of Christ in the Bible.
puerto ricans,
Puerto Rico
Saturday, May 17, 2014
When the Sun Goes Down
Night time is the only time many of our people have free. We do have young people at our Puerto Rico Baptist College taking day classes, but what of our older church members with jobs?
For them we have the Night Time Bible Institute.
We schedule classes two nights a week, two classes each night. I usually take one night and another pastor takes another.
Here I am with some of our graduates, one of which is Luis Lopez, a deacon and Sunday school teacher in our church.
Day by day we do missions. but the work doesn't stop just because the sun goes down, so neither do we.
Puerto Rico
Friday, May 02, 2014
My wife Tina and I will be in Western Washington in June this year presenting the missionary work we do among the people of Puerto Rico.
We have most of our Sundays scheduled, but we need to schedule mid-week services and a few Sunday evenings in churches this June. Please help us share our ministry.
Our need is especially urgent as some of our supporting churches have fallen on hard times and have shrunk their missionary budgets. What we hope for is that we might raise at least $1000 of committed monthly support to replace what was lost over the years. Small amounts committed over time add up to keeping us on the field and being able to make essential house and car payments.
Besides churches, we would also be happy to accept personal invitations to speak about our field in homes or Bible study groups. We probably would say yes to any offer of hospitality, if you would be so kind as to offer any.
We have some great stuff to share! Hurry and confirm a date with us so you won't miss out on a blessing!
I serve as a church planting missionary to Puerto Rico with Continental Baptist Missions. My wife Tina and I also minister in Puerto Rico Baptist College, I as a professor and she as the cook. Our ministries are varied and extensive, including a ministry in a Christian school and a new opportunity to serve as Chaplain of the Civil Air Patrol, Puerto Rico Wing.
Please contact us at
Ministry Profile: Linkedin
My wife Tina and I will be in Western Washington in June this year presenting the missionary work we do among the people of Puerto Rico.
We have most of our Sundays scheduled, but we need to schedule mid-week services and a few Sunday evenings in churches this June. Please help us share our ministry.

Besides churches, we would also be happy to accept personal invitations to speak about our field in homes or Bible study groups. We probably would say yes to any offer of hospitality, if you would be so kind as to offer any.
We have some great stuff to share! Hurry and confirm a date with us so you won't miss out on a blessing!
I serve as a church planting missionary to Puerto Rico with Continental Baptist Missions. My wife Tina and I also minister in Puerto Rico Baptist College, I as a professor and she as the cook. Our ministries are varied and extensive, including a ministry in a Christian school and a new opportunity to serve as Chaplain of the Civil Air Patrol, Puerto Rico Wing.
Please contact us at
Ministry Profile: Linkedin
Monday, April 21, 2014
Easter Epidemic?
This 22 year old young lady came to church and something good happened because of it.
I noticed her attending our service for a good number of Sundays in a row and I also noticed something special about her. She has a very attentive expression on her face during the preaching and nods her head and smiles when I make an point or application.
After the Easter morning message, she came forward and asked me to baptise her.
I spoke to her about having a class to explain the basics of the faith and what baptism is all about. The word got around that we were planing a baptism and then I heard two others respond "Me too!"
I didn't know that baptisms were contagious! I hope it turns out that they are!
I noticed her attending our service for a good number of Sundays in a row and I also noticed something special about her. She has a very attentive expression on her face during the preaching and nods her head and smiles when I make an point or application.
After the Easter morning message, she came forward and asked me to baptise her.
I spoke to her about having a class to explain the basics of the faith and what baptism is all about. The word got around that we were planing a baptism and then I heard two others respond "Me too!"
I didn't know that baptisms were contagious! I hope it turns out that they are!
puerto ricans
Saturday, April 19, 2014
A Missing Dentist Makes a New Missionary
A missionary we know, Miguel Figueroa, did dentistry missionary work in the jungles of South America. I invited him to preach in our church here in Puerto Rico and we gave him a love offering to help with his work.
We heard some sad new regarding him. He was traveling along a river awhile ago and has gone missing. Some say that he was last seen with a lantern going toward the river at night. Others say that he fell in trying to get into a smaller boat. Whatever happened, enough time passed, that he was presumed dead.
A scholarship for the training of future missionaries was created in his honor and this young man, Gustavo from Bolivia, was selected to receive it.
Gustavo came and preached in our pulpit for our Good Friday service. This is same pulpit that the man whose death provided Gustavo the scholarship preached from just a few years ago.
Gustavo preached with passion, power and conviction. When I announced that he would return Sunday morning, our people said "Amen!"
It may have been in a lonely and a forgotten place that one missionary died, but his legacy lives on in a young man who has taken up the torch and boldly proclaiming the Gospel here in Latin America.
It is our honor and responsibility to train Gustavo and help him fulfil that legacy.
We heard some sad new regarding him. He was traveling along a river awhile ago and has gone missing. Some say that he was last seen with a lantern going toward the river at night. Others say that he fell in trying to get into a smaller boat. Whatever happened, enough time passed, that he was presumed dead.
A scholarship for the training of future missionaries was created in his honor and this young man, Gustavo from Bolivia, was selected to receive it.
Gustavo came and preached in our pulpit for our Good Friday service. This is same pulpit that the man whose death provided Gustavo the scholarship preached from just a few years ago.
Gustavo preached with passion, power and conviction. When I announced that he would return Sunday morning, our people said "Amen!"
It may have been in a lonely and a forgotten place that one missionary died, but his legacy lives on in a young man who has taken up the torch and boldly proclaiming the Gospel here in Latin America.
It is our honor and responsibility to train Gustavo and help him fulfil that legacy.
Puerto Rico,
training. Bible college
Saturday, April 12, 2014
When missionaries make missionaries...
Zuley Ramos was a a member of our church who originally came from Peru. She studied as one of our students and, as part of her education, had to visit a mission field and serve for one summer. She visited Panama. Once she came back, she felt led to return and help.

She has done a tremendous job. Despite minimal support, she has labored on and seen some good results.
Here is a short video she made. It is a series of pictures from the field set to some typical Christian music of the country.
You won't have to understand Spanish to get the feeling that things are happening in Panama because a young lady decided to serve there as a missionary.
One of the great satisfactions we have as missionaries is when we see people who are part of our ministry become missionaries themselves. Please pray that we would continue to see blessings such as we are seeing now. From such blessings come more blessings, as they enable the life changing work of missions to continue.
Bible college,
Puerto Rico,
Support Worthy
Sunday, April 06, 2014
Recent Baptisms Multiply Blessing in Unexpected Ways
The great thing about our recent baptisms is that they weren't just a momentary thing. There was the decision to be baptised, a special time of teaching, the baptism itself and (in our church) the church barbecue fellowship afterwards.
This Sunday, the blessing from the baptisms were extended into our morning service.
I presented the nicest baptismal certificates I could find and made a presentation of them to those recently baptised in our church. We took pictures, said "amen" and even applauded. It was a happy day for everyone.
I found that there was a line titled "Witness"on the certificates and I asked each person that was baptised to pick which of us that they wished to sign as a witness. This added an extra nice touch, as these, our newest members, selected other members to sign as witnesses. The older members then felt honored to be chosen as the witness of record of the baptism. More smiles were seen all around after that.
The nice thing about this was how one blessing led to another, sometimes expected and sometimes not. Either way we must say "Praise the Lord!" because He blesses us more and extends His blessings more than we ever could have anticipated.
This Sunday, the blessing from the baptisms were extended into our morning service.
I presented the nicest baptismal certificates I could find and made a presentation of them to those recently baptised in our church. We took pictures, said "amen" and even applauded. It was a happy day for everyone.
I found that there was a line titled "Witness"on the certificates and I asked each person that was baptised to pick which of us that they wished to sign as a witness. This added an extra nice touch, as these, our newest members, selected other members to sign as witnesses. The older members then felt honored to be chosen as the witness of record of the baptism. More smiles were seen all around after that.
The nice thing about this was how one blessing led to another, sometimes expected and sometimes not. Either way we must say "Praise the Lord!" because He blesses us more and extends His blessings more than we ever could have anticipated.
church service,
Saturday, March 29, 2014
How A Little Girl Made a Big Baptism
Nine year old Karielys Fontanes asked to be baptised about two weeks ago.
I said "Fine. But we need to teach you what it's all about."
And we did.
9 yr old Karielys's example brings two more to the baptism |
Today, the day of the baptism, the little girls aunt, Yetzenia, came ready to be baptised.
I took all three of them aside and spoke again of what it all meant. We had a rehearsal of what was going to happen. Everyone was on the same page, so we went ahead and had a bigger baptism party than expected.
All thanks to a little girl who stepped forward to follow Jesus.
[In the video, I introduce the people, ask their names, why they came today and why they wanted to be baptised. They all gave good answers and we went ahead and baptised all three. Afterwards, as is our custom, we had a BBQ and made a full day of fellowship out of it.]
Puerto Rico,
Support Worthy
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
A "One of these Days" Person Comes to Christ in Our Church on Sunday.
"One of these days" Manuel would always say.
"Some time soon I will get into it, but not just now" said this owner of a video rental shop in town.
But his business of many years slowly faded away. He tried again by converting his video rental store into a "Colmado," a small convenience store for his neighbourhood. But that too did not go as he had hoped.
Manuel has a brother in our church and began visiting. Then, to my surprise, he started bringing in presents. At Christmas, he brought in a large number of poinsettias to decorate the church. Every few weeks he would bring something, like a special desert to share after the service.
Then the hugs started. When he came in the door, his face would light up and a handshake would be followed by a strong hug. He would give a smile that was not simple happiness, but had the feeling of a sincere and deeply felt gratitude attached to it. He always looked attentive and content to hear our preaching.
This last Sunday, I asked one of our deacons, Wilfredo, to preach for me. At the end of his sermon, Wilfredo had the privilege of seeing Manuel respond and come forward to accept Christ as his Lord and Saviour.
A suspected cancerous tumor in Manuel's kidney area is part of this story. We are sorry to hear of Manuel's health problems, but happy that he brought them to the right place and is seeking help from the right Person: He who can heal body, soul and spirit.
Welcome Manuel. We will be praying for you and hope to serve with you in our church in the days ahead.
"Some time soon I will get into it, but not just now" said this owner of a video rental shop in town.
Manuel has a brother in our church and began visiting. Then, to my surprise, he started bringing in presents. At Christmas, he brought in a large number of poinsettias to decorate the church. Every few weeks he would bring something, like a special desert to share after the service.
Then the hugs started. When he came in the door, his face would light up and a handshake would be followed by a strong hug. He would give a smile that was not simple happiness, but had the feeling of a sincere and deeply felt gratitude attached to it. He always looked attentive and content to hear our preaching.
This last Sunday, I asked one of our deacons, Wilfredo, to preach for me. At the end of his sermon, Wilfredo had the privilege of seeing Manuel respond and come forward to accept Christ as his Lord and Saviour.
A suspected cancerous tumor in Manuel's kidney area is part of this story. We are sorry to hear of Manuel's health problems, but happy that he brought them to the right place and is seeking help from the right Person: He who can heal body, soul and spirit.
Welcome Manuel. We will be praying for you and hope to serve with you in our church in the days ahead.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Boomerang Blessings. Or not. It's Up to You.
I just read a good article in CNN about a massive wave of Puerto Rican migration that is now underway.

What does this mean for missions?
My first thought was this: What goes around comes around.
What does this mean for missions?
My first thought was this: What goes around comes around.
A lot of people do not like Latino immigration and resist efforts to evangelise people groups that they do not like. But, like it or not, a massive wave of Puerto Rico immigration is happening right now. The question is, what will they bring with them in their luggage? Bibles or...other things. Will they come with Christ or without?
Missionary work, like ours here on the island, makes a difference. But not just on our island.
Missionary support helps missionaries do a work that not only changes lives for eternity, but it also has an affect on the kind of people who may very well become your next door neighbour.
Being a blessing to others is like a boomerang. It can come back to bless you. The only thing is, you have to give it a throw. It's up to you.
Missionary work, like ours here on the island, makes a difference. But not just on our island.
Missionary support helps missionaries do a work that not only changes lives for eternity, but it also has an affect on the kind of people who may very well become your next door neighbour.
Being a blessing to others is like a boomerang. It can come back to bless you. The only thing is, you have to give it a throw. It's up to you.
CNN: Why more Puerto Ricans are living in mainland U.S. than in Puerto Rico
"So many residents have left the island over the years that there are a million more Puerto Ricans living in the mainland United States (4.9 million as of 2011) than in Puerto Rico (3.7 million)"
A Shoot out on Saturday Makes for an Interesting Sunday.
I think our guardian angel is doing an excellent job.
This morning, I noticed a new beggar on the street by my church. I walked past him on my way to the corner bakery, where I bought 3 lbs of bread for our after church snack time. I passed the beggar again on my way back to church.
He called out to me, "Pastor, help me buy some bread!"
I took one of the loaves and went to hand it to him. He stopped me.
"No," He complained, "You don't understand. I don't want the bread. I need money to buy bread latter. It's for my Aunt. Could you give me money?"
"Well, then," I said, "I can't help you."
After church started, I noticed that he suddenly ran by our church steps, up a hill with another guy, and into the back yard of a neighbour. They grabbed a shirt with a number on it and started waving it around the street. Other people took notice and left.
"What is going on?" I asked a street person who attends our church.
"It s from the shoot out last night." Mike said, "One of our people was shot in the leg. The guys who did it came back. Everyone is running around trying to find them and catch them"
"Are we in danger?" I asked
Mike replied, "Well, I don't think so. They won't shoot anybody in the church on purpose. But if they find the guys who did it and start shooting, someone may get hit with a "Bala Perdida," (stray bullet)."
I announced in church for everybody to be careful on the way home, but nobody seemed alarmed. Just another day in our little town in the mountains of Puerto Rico.
We made it home alright. Praise God for His watch care over us on the mission field. If you pray for your missionaries, your prayers were just answered.
Thanks you!

He called out to me, "Pastor, help me buy some bread!"
I took one of the loaves and went to hand it to him. He stopped me.
"No," He complained, "You don't understand. I don't want the bread. I need money to buy bread latter. It's for my Aunt. Could you give me money?"
"Well, then," I said, "I can't help you."
After church started, I noticed that he suddenly ran by our church steps, up a hill with another guy, and into the back yard of a neighbour. They grabbed a shirt with a number on it and started waving it around the street. Other people took notice and left.
"What is going on?" I asked a street person who attends our church.
"It s from the shoot out last night." Mike said, "One of our people was shot in the leg. The guys who did it came back. Everyone is running around trying to find them and catch them"
"Are we in danger?" I asked
Mike replied, "Well, I don't think so. They won't shoot anybody in the church on purpose. But if they find the guys who did it and start shooting, someone may get hit with a "Bala Perdida," (stray bullet)."
I announced in church for everybody to be careful on the way home, but nobody seemed alarmed. Just another day in our little town in the mountains of Puerto Rico.
We made it home alright. Praise God for His watch care over us on the mission field. If you pray for your missionaries, your prayers were just answered.
Thanks you!
Saturday, March 08, 2014
Small Kids, Big Steps
Last Saturday, I could not attend AWANA (kid's club) so I asked the mother of one our most faithful families to run the program for us. She did.
This is her 9 year old daughter that helped mom lead the singing for the smaller kids. After the meeting, she asked her mom if she could be baptized!
Some might not value a 9 year old being baptized as a big deal. But it is.
At today's meeting, a little kindergarten age Sparkie said one memory verse.
That is a big deal also.
These little kids are taking steps in a direction that can change their lives and the world they live it. Praise God for small kids making big steps for God.
[Our littlest Puerto Rican Sparkie says her memory verse and is proud of herself, as well she should be!]
Monday, March 03, 2014
Tina Comes Home
My wife Tina spent 3 weeks helping my daughter Rachel and our son-in-law Max after the arrival of Josiah, our newest grandchild. Tina cared for 4 of the kids while Rachel spent time recovering and concentrating on the newborn.
Tina enjoyed spending quality time with the grandkids, and was happy to give Rachel a helping hand. But she is also glad to get back to her own house and get some rest herself!
She is pretty important around here and I am glad she returned!
Here is a little video of her time away: little Stephen, not quite 2 years old, reads Tina his alphabet book.
Tina enjoyed spending quality time with the grandkids, and was happy to give Rachel a helping hand. But she is also glad to get back to her own house and get some rest herself!
She is pretty important around here and I am glad she returned!
Here is a little video of her time away: little Stephen, not quite 2 years old, reads Tina his alphabet book.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Church Growth Secret: Ladies with Notebooks
I notice that when ladies come to church with notebooks things start to change and the church grows.
The last few banquets we had were thought of and planned by our ladies. We had at least two visitors from that.
Last week they started a Friday Morning Women's Bible Study. Today in church they gave a testimony about speaking to an ex church member and about their plan on visiting her and helping her with some issues.
This morning, they took over a room in the church and made it into a makeshift nursery and asked me for about $50 for a table cloth and a small rug. I gave them $100 and told them to make it nice.
I have found that the best way to grow a work is to find people who are excited about serving the Lord and then giving them as much encouragement as possible.
Sometimes a pastor needs to know when to say "No," this is true. But it is also true that saying "Yes" to the right people at the right time can be the beginning of a great time of advancement.
I am glad that we have the kind of people that I can say "yes" to and that our church can enjoy the fruit that results from their good work.
I am thinking that next year we might just buy all of the ladies notebooks for Christmas!
The last few banquets we had were thought of and planned by our ladies. We had at least two visitors from that.
Last week they started a Friday Morning Women's Bible Study. Today in church they gave a testimony about speaking to an ex church member and about their plan on visiting her and helping her with some issues.
This morning, they took over a room in the church and made it into a makeshift nursery and asked me for about $50 for a table cloth and a small rug. I gave them $100 and told them to make it nice.
I have found that the best way to grow a work is to find people who are excited about serving the Lord and then giving them as much encouragement as possible.
Sometimes a pastor needs to know when to say "No," this is true. But it is also true that saying "Yes" to the right people at the right time can be the beginning of a great time of advancement.
I am glad that we have the kind of people that I can say "yes" to and that our church can enjoy the fruit that results from their good work.
I am thinking that next year we might just buy all of the ladies notebooks for Christmas!
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Black Hearted Mariners, and Little Girls too, Have Something to Sing About.
We learned a new song (lyrics below) today together with our Sunday school kids. It is about how Jesus is a great Captain and how he can salvage the blackest hearted mariner who surrenders to Him.
Catchy tune too.
Here are the Lyrics to "YO TENGO UN BARCO" (I have a boat)
Am E
Dm Am
E Am -A
Am E

E7 Am -A
Dm Am
E Am
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
We Need Help with a Short Summer Furlough. Can You Help?
Can you help this Summer for a visit to Washington State, Idaho or Montana?

Tina and I hope to visit old friends, make some new ones and also share our ministry in reaching US Latinos through the back door of Puerto Rico. Our ministry may dove tail well with churches wishing help in a similar outreach.
Please let us know if we can spend the night, borrow a car, preach in your church or help you with your personal ministry in any way.
May God Bless You and Yours,
Steve and Tina Prelgovisk
3315 Calle 31
Sierra Bayamon
Bayamon, PR 00961 USA
Monday, February 17, 2014
Prayer Letter: Click, Download, Print, Share & Pray.
Scroll down to the bottom of the post and you will see a download button.
Or you may read it online here: Prelgovisk Prayer letter Jan-Feb 2014
Or you may read it online here: Prelgovisk Prayer letter Jan-Feb 2014
Sunday, February 16, 2014
How We Saved the Chocolate Exchange
My wife Tina is in Pensacola, Florida helping our daughter Rachel with her recovery, following the birth of her 5th child. This is great for them, but it made for a lonely Valentine's day here in Puerto Rico.
It was anything but lonely today.
I drove 3 college kids up to the church and we got an early start, setting things up. But the electricity was out! Not an auspicious beginning.
I called up the Sunday school classes that were in the church basement and we had them work quietly in the foyer area so they could use the light. We missed the coffee, but survived this depravation and soldiered on.
We made plans earlier for a chocolate exchange, but postponed it and took our chocolates with us to a family style restaurant, where we ate a great meal together.

The food was definitely all Puerto Rican. I had Mofongo and Shrimp. Mofongo is a dish made of mashed, plantain bananas and is baked with chunks of deep fried pork skin inside it. Our deacon Luis across from me was eating a soup that was a bit strange looking. I found out why. It was pigs feet stewed in a brown gravy. Despite how it sounds, it was great. Definitely Puerto Rican comfort food.
We brought all of the chocolate from the church to the restaurant with us. Everyone got out the chocolate they brought. Some had just one candy bar, others a whole box of Valentine candy, while others came with bags of "Fun Size" variety pack candy bars.
The ladies made slips of paper and wrote all the names of the people with chocolates. We each drew names and waited till every person had a slip. Then the first person who drew the name stood up and said something nice about the person they had drawn, without revealing the name. Then they would walk around the table, and we would have to wait to see who got the present.
We had a lot of laughter and attracted a bit of positive attention in the restaurant, which was unplanned, but a great testimony for our church.
We had about 27 in church Sunday morning, but more than 30 came to the restaurant with us. It was nice to have a chance to have a good time of fun, food and fellowship with our church family and maybe some of the latecomers will be joining us in the future as full fledged members.
It was anything but lonely today.
I called up the Sunday school classes that were in the church basement and we had them work quietly in the foyer area so they could use the light. We missed the coffee, but survived this depravation and soldiered on.
We made plans earlier for a chocolate exchange, but postponed it and took our chocolates with us to a family style restaurant, where we ate a great meal together.
The food was definitely all Puerto Rican. I had Mofongo and Shrimp. Mofongo is a dish made of mashed, plantain bananas and is baked with chunks of deep fried pork skin inside it. Our deacon Luis across from me was eating a soup that was a bit strange looking. I found out why. It was pigs feet stewed in a brown gravy. Despite how it sounds, it was great. Definitely Puerto Rican comfort food.
The ladies made slips of paper and wrote all the names of the people with chocolates. We each drew names and waited till every person had a slip. Then the first person who drew the name stood up and said something nice about the person they had drawn, without revealing the name. Then they would walk around the table, and we would have to wait to see who got the present.
We had a lot of laughter and attracted a bit of positive attention in the restaurant, which was unplanned, but a great testimony for our church.
We had about 27 in church Sunday morning, but more than 30 came to the restaurant with us. It was nice to have a chance to have a good time of fun, food and fellowship with our church family and maybe some of the latecomers will be joining us in the future as full fledged members.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Who is happy now?
Some friends of mine confessed to not becoming missionaries because they would miss their "comforts."
I thought of that this February, while checking out our banana tree in the back yard.
I thought of it again when I saw all the posts about blizzards.
And then I smiled.
Sunday, February 09, 2014
From Goats to Sheep
I read a passage where those who neglect acts of kindness toward others are called "Goats" while those who do them are called "Sheep."
We had an unexpected "sheep" kind of week.
A poor man that attends our church told me how he was cold at night and was shivering during a bout of illness. He mentioned that he only had one bed sheet and had difficulty staying warm at night. Tina overheard our conversation.
When we were alone, She said, "We have a blanket in storage that isn't being used. I would like to give that to Mike."
The next Saturday when I was giving devotions to our small AWANA club, I saw him out front of the church and invited him in. I gave him the blanket and a small amount of money for some medicine, we shared some food and he went on his way.
Sunday morning he was at church bright and early and eager to share something. Before we started Sunday school, he came forward and asked to say something.
Mike's hands trembled as he spoke, "I want to thank Tina for her gift of a blanket."
He turned towards my wife and said, "Tina, I was cold and sick and you gave me a blanket. Thank you."
I had goosebumps when I heard those words, because they brought to mind these words:
I am grateful to my sympathetic wife, an unexpected opportunity, and a thankful, needy individual that we were able to hear words like this, expressed in a public way, in our church on a Sunday morning.
I am also glad that we have a God who is the kind of God who cares about things like this. What a privilege to belong to His flock!
We had an unexpected "sheep" kind of week.
A poor man that attends our church told me how he was cold at night and was shivering during a bout of illness. He mentioned that he only had one bed sheet and had difficulty staying warm at night. Tina overheard our conversation.
When we were alone, She said, "We have a blanket in storage that isn't being used. I would like to give that to Mike."
The next Saturday when I was giving devotions to our small AWANA club, I saw him out front of the church and invited him in. I gave him the blanket and a small amount of money for some medicine, we shared some food and he went on his way.
Sunday morning he was at church bright and early and eager to share something. Before we started Sunday school, he came forward and asked to say something.
Mike's hands trembled as he spoke, "I want to thank Tina for her gift of a blanket."
He turned towards my wife and said, "Tina, I was cold and sick and you gave me a blanket. Thank you."
I had goosebumps when I heard those words, because they brought to mind these words:
"Matt 2533 And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; 36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me....40 And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’"
I am grateful to my sympathetic wife, an unexpected opportunity, and a thankful, needy individual that we were able to hear words like this, expressed in a public way, in our church on a Sunday morning.
I am also glad that we have a God who is the kind of God who cares about things like this. What a privilege to belong to His flock!
Monday, February 03, 2014
High Tech is Fun, But It's the People That Make the Difference.
![]() |
"Missions is about People: Here are mine" Steve Prelgovisk, Puerto Rico |
I was surprised at what the people around me said about two of them. They lauded the high tech presentation and spoke well about the "sharp" missionary who made it. Later they spoke poorly of the other missionary because of lack of "professionalism" in his video.
I saw something entirely different.
The "slick" video had only the missionary, his family and a few props. The "poor presentation" was full of people and showed the missionary interacting with hundreds of people during the week.
My take-a-way was this: One missionary was good at reaching people for Christ and the other was good at learning film making. I would rather support a missionary that has people skills than tech skills because missions is about people.
Technology is great, but it can never take the place of a missionary with an open Bible in a persons house, presenting the gospel. If that isn't happening, missions isn't happening.
Saturday, February 01, 2014
Teaching the Bible Somewhere Every Single Day
Some of our bests results in teaching the Bible come from other days in the week, not just on Sundays.

Monday through Friday Mornings: At a Christian school near where I live, I give devotions to 7th graders 3 morning a week and I also teach a Bible class to 9th graders twice a week. We also have a chapel on Thursdays. I took a "selfie" with some of the kids behind me.
Tuesday Night: I am a Civil Air Patrol Chaplain.
Wednesday Night: Prayer Meeting
Sundays: We teach and preach the Word on Sundays in a church we are planting in Puerto Rico, but it doesn't have to stop on Sundays! I love the fact that we have the privilege to share the Word of God that can change lives here in Puerto Rico every day of the week.
The little girls learned these verses: John 3:16, 1 John 4:14, Romans 1:16, and 1 Cor 15:3
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Helping College Kids Who Make Our Country Better.

Her good news is our good news.
Another of our Sunday school teachers, Adaia from Barcelona, Spain, is working also on getting her papers and permits.
With all the illegal activity and questionable immigration practices today, it is a blessing to help quality people who actually improve the places they go though their good hard work and Godly character.
Here is a video I made on my Ipod of Adaia singing for a Women's Retreat our ladies organised:
"Acaso Ignoras Aquel Momento?" means " Will you perhaps miss that moment?"
This is a Christian song about he danger of neglecting to respond to God's calling when you can and not miss out.
Monday, January 13, 2014
Earthquake Wakeup Call
I had heard there were earthquakes in Puerto Rico, but never felt a big one until last night.
Tina told a friend, "At first I thought Sarah was kicking the couch. Then Steve ran in and we all went running for doorways when the house really started shaking. The Christmas tree was really swaying"
We checked online and read that it was a 6.5 magnitude quake. Even though it was 50 some miles NW of us, it was scary enough. To me, it did not so much feel like a shaking or a rattling temblor, but more like the ground underneath me was sliding from side to side and moving up and down, as if a shallow wave passed underneath.
They tell me there was a big one in 1918 that destroyed much of a large town on the west coast and killed 114 people, 40 of them from a 20 foot tsunami wave. Such stories seem so far a way they have little impact. But it was only 4 years ago that the big quake levelled Haiti, one of our neighbouring islands here in the Caribbean.
Another reason to pray for your missionaries has been found! Please do so. There is no feeling so helpless as when you find yourself in an earthquake. They come without warning and you can't tell how bad it will be or when it will end. Your prayer make a difference and knowing that you pray for us is a great comfort and encouragement.
PS. I have a Ham radio license (WP4NVR) and am trying to acquire some equipment that will give us emergency communication capabilities. We have a generator and an old (a 1989 Kenwood TS-680S) Ham radio, but no hand held radios for local communications. I would like to get a 2 meter hand held or a dual bander for local emergency work. I am looking at some low end radios: The Alinco DJ V57T and the Wouxun KG-UV3D. If you could help us acquire some emergency equipment like this, I would appreciate it.
Tina told a friend, "At first I thought Sarah was kicking the couch. Then Steve ran in and we all went running for doorways when the house really started shaking. The Christmas tree was really swaying"
We checked online and read that it was a 6.5 magnitude quake. Even though it was 50 some miles NW of us, it was scary enough. To me, it did not so much feel like a shaking or a rattling temblor, but more like the ground underneath me was sliding from side to side and moving up and down, as if a shallow wave passed underneath.

Another reason to pray for your missionaries has been found! Please do so. There is no feeling so helpless as when you find yourself in an earthquake. They come without warning and you can't tell how bad it will be or when it will end. Your prayer make a difference and knowing that you pray for us is a great comfort and encouragement.
PS. I have a Ham radio license (WP4NVR) and am trying to acquire some equipment that will give us emergency communication capabilities. We have a generator and an old (a 1989 Kenwood TS-680S) Ham radio, but no hand held radios for local communications. I would like to get a 2 meter hand held or a dual bander for local emergency work. I am looking at some low end radios: The Alinco DJ V57T and the Wouxun KG-UV3D. If you could help us acquire some emergency equipment like this, I would appreciate it.
Friday, January 03, 2014
"Pastor, We have a special bag, just for you."
I hear a lot of winter angst from my Stateside friends, so experiences like this put a smile on my face and help me feel good about being on the mission field.
A church member approached me outside the church and said, "Pastor, We have a special bag, just for you."
I saw Miguel Nieves ("Mike Snow" in English) pull two big bags out of the back of his big pickup truck.
He said, "The smaller one is for you, they are the best ones."
I looked inside and they were full of huge grapefruits.
I slipped the "special offering" into the hatch back of our Honda Fit and then helped carry the larger bag into the church. It was so heavy that it took both of us to haul it in.
Mike announced to everyone that he had finished his late December grapefruit harvest and wanted to share it with everyone in the church.
Sometimes we talk about contributing to the church in the form of "spiritual fruit," but Miguel showed us that sometimes just plain fruit can be a real blessing too.
Especially after eating all of those Christmas cookies.
A church member approached me outside the church and said, "Pastor, We have a special bag, just for you."
I saw Miguel Nieves ("Mike Snow" in English) pull two big bags out of the back of his big pickup truck.
He said, "The smaller one is for you, they are the best ones."
I looked inside and they were full of huge grapefruits.
I slipped the "special offering" into the hatch back of our Honda Fit and then helped carry the larger bag into the church. It was so heavy that it took both of us to haul it in.
Mike announced to everyone that he had finished his late December grapefruit harvest and wanted to share it with everyone in the church.
Sometimes we talk about contributing to the church in the form of "spiritual fruit," but Miguel showed us that sometimes just plain fruit can be a real blessing too.
Especially after eating all of those Christmas cookies.
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