Sunday, August 07, 2016

Staying on Top of Our Biblical Roof Top

You may know that, in the Bible, roof tops were flat. Peter went up to pray on one (Act 10:9), and certain messages were to be proclaimed from them. (Matt10:27)

We understand those verses because, here in Puerto Rico, we have flat concrete roofs that can serve as an extension of the house.

But flat doesn't make for great drainage, and that means we have to be vigilant about any water damage to the roof. We noticed an area of concern and checked it out today.

Tina and I did find a spot that needs attention. Some previous owner installed a solar water heat, which is nice, but the solar water heater hugs the rooftop so tightly, we can't apply waterproofing under it very well.

So, we are going to have to figure out how to move it enough to scrape away the old and reapply the new.

It isn't rocket science, but it is what we need to do, and I am no plumber. So I would appreciate your prayers for wisdom and our safety as we go about giving our roof the attention that it needs.

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