My pulpit looks different, but I'm still preaching, teaching, and reaching out to others.
I'm giving sermons from my small home office. I record them on Zoom, convert them, and post them on YouTube, then send out the links to our church members.
I made a Facebook page for our church where we can share our teaching, preaching, and send encouraging messages. We can geofence invitations and posts also. They can be sent to people that live within just a 1 mile walk from the church. That is important, because a lot of people walk to church and parking is a problem in our town.
In our Bible College, I'm teaching Biblical Greek and a Christian Ed class on metrics. I'm also using Google Classroom to teach Computer Science and Music classes for a Christian school here, Levittown Baptist Academy..
We are using what we have and are happy to do it. But, I would like to get a webcam to improve what we are doing. We found that the ones recommended to us, the Logitech C920S and a few other models, are out of stock. I think we might go for the budget choice, the Echo, because it's in stock and the price is $62, and it will certainly be better than the laptop camera.
I'm not happy about the restrictions, but I am glad that we leaned how to use some new methods and technology during this time. I think we will keep using all the methods. Why not have multiple hooks in the water, if you want to catch some fish?
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